Monday Motivator – Goals

All About Goals

Welcome to the first edition of The Monday Motivator, your weekly cup of mental java to help you get ahead and stay ahead! Each week you’ll receive a new edition covering 52 topics per year.

We hope you enjoy it. Goals are fundamental to life for us humans. Once we have our basic needs taken care of, we can focus on more creative activities. Without goals, we would have a hard time providing the basics that allow us to have a place to live, food to eat, water, medical care, clothes, money, etc.

Even if we don’t admit it, none of these basic needs is provided without goals. Many times goals are simply taken for granted. We think about what we want and our actions allow us to achieve, acquire, become or create the desired outcome. A good example is getting to work on time each day. As we think about this the underlying reason for wanting to do it is to keep our jobs so we can get paid and provide for our basic needs.

Now let’s think about the steps required to get us to work on time:

  1. Get up in time to clean up, dress up and show up.
  2. Prepare lunch, clothes selections; find the keys, and any other items to take with us.
  3. Start the car or be on time for the ride to the office.
  4. Allow enough time to get to the office by considering the traffic, possible delays, etc.
  5. Arrive at the office, get to our desk and start the workday.

Everything about the above collection of tiny goals is dependent on the same consideration … the clock! Time is not forgiving. If you are late, no excuse will cover your miscalculation. For example, we all know that a plane leaves at a certain time. If we don’t plan to be at the airport one hour early we chance to miss the flight and that can be costly, hugely inconvenient, even embarrassing at times. So we pay a lot of attention to clocks, watches, etc. Here at Performance Strategies, we teach that most of us have five life pursuits that account for just about 95% of our goals and our time. It helps to recognize them as a part of understanding the importance of goals.

Most of us have goals in all five of these considerations. To help us achieve our goals the next image will provide an easy to remember strategy: SMART!

Just remember the word SMART … if you can remember that and follow the five steps outlined below then you will achieve more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. This topic fills countless books on the shelves. At the end of this Monday Motivator, I’ll provide a few suggested reading choices in case you want to pursue this subject in further detail.

In summary, to achieve goals we must know what we want, why we want it, when we want it and how we plan to get it. We live in a world of endless distractions. It’s hard to focus on a single objective when there are so many other interesting activities going on all around us all the time. If there’s a single word that sums up the most important issue in achieving goals it is this: Choice.

If you want to know more about goals check out these links:



Considering the best way to navigate the transition or exit from YOUR business? Start with your trusted business or executive coach. By taking this free 22-question, multiple choice online assessment, you will get a 12-page summary report showing you how prepared you are for such a move. You’ll learn about your preparedness in the areas of financial, planning, revenue and profit, and operations. When you get your report give us a call and we’ll go over it with you at no cost to you. Sometimes it’s a confirmation that you have all your ducks in a row and sometimes it’s a reminder that a few details need your attention. In any case, it’s a great snapshot of your personal business transition or exit readiness. For your FREE assessment and 12-page summary report click here:

Will Robertson Founder / CEO
Jay McDowell, President / MBA
Lisa Walker, Senior Partner

Will Robertson, Founder / CEO, Jay McDowell, President / MBA and Lisa Walker, Senior Partner, are doing business as Performance Strategies, Inc. Our offices are located at 1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 215, Santa Ana, CA 92705. You can reach us 562-577-7000.  Our E-Mail addresses: and and

Our consulting and business/executive coaching focus supports leadership, sales, customer service, and operations. Included are sales and management assessment surveys as well as leadership, teambuilding, sales operations, business transition or exit strategies and online goal tracking projects. Our training division offers five programs for your team members. Other associates bring additional disciplines as well. If you have editorial content and would like to be featured in one of our business journal editions, drop us an email with your ideas. We may showcase you in future editions of this business journal.

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